A child’s dental health deserves the same attention and care as an adult’s. Helping their child maintain a healthy smile as early on as possible should be at the top of every parent’s list. Dentists in Greenville, SC agree that encouraging healthy oral habits will aid kids in the long haul.
As soon as your child’s first tooth appears, it would be right to take him to see a dentist. Although a child’s permanent teeth doesn’t grow until they hit a certain age, teaching them how to properly care for their teeth prevents problems. Wendy J. Woudstra writes:
Help your children brush and floss in their early years. During the period in which their motor skills are still developing, you should brush their teeth for them. Explain to your children why it’s important to keep their teeth healthy. When they grow a little older, allow them to start or finish the brushing routine—this will help them get used to doing it on their own.
Teaching a child how to properly care for his teeth involves more than just overseeing. Parents have to take an active role by demonstrating the right methods. It also helps to seek assistance from a pediatric dentist in Greenville, SC.
Pediatric dentists are helpful because they are knowledgeable of a kid’s dental issues as compared to a regular dentist. These professionals undergo the proper training to detect oral issues specifically common to young children, which is why it is a good idea to place the fate of your kid’s dental health in their hands.
The key to getting your kids to observe these healthy habits is by not instilling fear in them. It will be more effective when a parent explains the reason why they’re important instead of threatening them with scary dental procedures. Try to find ways to make their routine seem like fun instead of being a chore. Avoid instructing them too much, but make necessary corrections and allow them to take charge during the routine.
If they have a lapse in their dental care habits, help them learn from their mistakes. Seeking guidance from a professional will also enable them to set goals for their dental health and improve on their current habits.
(Healthy Teeth for Kids: Encourage Good Habits Early, Colgate Oral and Dental Health Resource Center, n.d.)